The Tyranid Invasion: A Step-by-Step Guide to Planetary Consumption
The Tyranids are a formidable force in the galaxy, known for their relentless consumption of entire planets. But have you ever wondered how they do it? Let’s take a closer look at the step-by-step process of a Tyranid invasion.
Step 1: Target Acquisition
The first step in a Tyranid invasion is to identify a suitable target. This is typically done through spectral analysis of distant stars to determine the likelihood of supporting life. However, the fastest and most common method is to use vanguard organisms, which are sent ahead to investigate each star system for signs of life.
Step 2: Infiltration
Once a suitable target has been identified, the Tyranids will send in infiltrator-organisms, such as Lictors or Genestealers. These organisms will seek out all life on the planet and target those of a highly-organized nature, such as humans. They will also attempt to infiltrate communities and create cults, weakening the planet’s defenses against the impending invasion.
Step 3: The Main Invasion
As the psychic beacon of the infiltrator-organisms flourishes, indicating a rich feeding ground, the main Hive Fleet will arrive on the scene. The fleet will disperse within the planet’s upper atmosphere and begin launching millions of Mycetic Spores, containing Tyranid warriors, zoomorphic symbiotes, and parasites. These spores will blanket the planet, covering entire cities and ecosystems.
Step 4: Consumption
With the planet’s defenses breached, the Tyranids will begin consuming its resources. Bacterial agents and feeder organisms will ravage the landscape, collecting every ounce of biological matter into Reclamation Pools. The matter will then be rendered into a thick, nutrient-rich gruel, which will be pumped into the Hive Fleet’s ships.
Step 5: Atmospheric Processing
As the consumption process continues, the Tyranids will begin to alter the planet’s atmosphere. Capillary Towers will emerge, linking with proboscis-like feeding tubes to pump the biomass into the Hive Fleet’s ships. The atmosphere will be transformed into an oxygen-rich environment, and the oceans will boil away, causing plate tectonic shifts and volcanic activity.
Step 6: Departure
Finally, with the planet’s resources depleted, the Hive Fleet will depart, leaving behind a desolate, airless rock. The Tyranids will move on to their next target, seeking out fresh prey to consume.
But, as Belisarius Cawl notes, the Tyranid consumption of a planet is only surface-deep. Water and microbes continue to live on deep below its surface, holding out the possibility that, with the right terraforming technology and time, worlds consumed by the Tyranids could one day return to life.
Timeline of a Typical Tyranid Planetary Assault
- Day 1: Initial Mycetic Spores are dropped, containing Lictors or Genestealers.
- Day 9: Tyranids expand to 200 km from the drop point, presenting a significant threat to planetary defense and resident Imperial Guard forces.
- Day 14: Tyranids control area within 2000 km radius of the drop point; basolithic infestation to 5000 km radius.
- Day 21: Main Hive Fleet arrives, craft numbering around 1.5 billion. Psychic contact with planet is cut off by the shadow of the Hive Mind.
- Day 28: Primary consumption of bio-mass begins. Brood ships land, releasing Ripper swarms, which consume all remaining organic material and depositing them at the reclamation pools.
- Day 35: Hive ships descend into the upper atmosphere and begin collecting it. Reduction in atmospheric pressure causes oceans to boil away, which are also collected.
- Day 42: Lack of oceans causes plate tectonic shifts, dramatically increasing volcanic activity. Upon completion, the Hive Fleet moves out of the system in search of fresh prey.
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