The Kin of the Leagues of Votann: A Conservative and Stubborn Society
At the heart of the Leagues of Votann lies a complex societal structure, with each individual belonging to a Kindred, a biological and familial grouping that dwells in a Hold. These Holds, while simple in appearance, can be vastly different in structure and location. Each Kindred is ruled by a Hearthspake and pledges allegiance to a League, which in turn is centered around a venerable thinking machine known as a Votann Ancestor Core.
Guilds and Overlapping Roles
Guilds play a crucial role in Votann society, uniting individuals who perform specific roles or provide particular services. While Guilds officially exist outside of Kindreds and Leagues, there is significant overlap at smaller levels. This complex web of relationships underscores the interconnected nature of Votann society.
Population and Augmentation
Despite having a large population, the Leagues of Votann pale in comparison to humanity’s teeming masses. Their numbers are augmented by the Ironkin, artificial intelligences clad in mechanical bodies that aid their fleshy counterparts. To the Kin, the Ironkin are valued members of society, equal in importance to their biological brethren.
Conservative Values and Truths
The Leagues of Votann are a highly conservative and stubborn society, with securing their aid in any endeavor proving difficult. They prioritize their own familial duties and obligations, as well as the interests of their race’s survival. Certain truisms and idioms, known as Truths, have gained universal acceptance and are treated as articles of good sense. These Truths often carry nuanced meanings, such as the phrase “The Ancestors are Watching,” which serves as both a battle-cry and a reminder of the Kin’s connection to their ancestors.
Death and the Afterlife
When a Kin dies, their mind is offered to the Votann Ancestor Core, enriching the machine minds and aiding future generations. This practice places pressure on individual Kin to live up to the perceived ideals of their Ancestors, driving them to fulfill their duties. The act of sending Kin to fight as soldiers of fortune in wars of other races allows them to learn and grow, but may also contribute to the decline of the Ancestor Cores.
Punishment and Exile
The Leagues of Votann typically eschew incarceration, instead using exile as their harshest punishment. This ensures that the transgressor will never rejoin their Votann Ancestor Core, and their name is shared with the Core to prevent them from entering another Kindred or League.
Cults of Ancestor-Worship and Naming Conventions
The Kin maintain their own Cults of Ancestor-Worship, with some Leagues pursuing their duties with an almost religious fanaticism. Each Kin has a given name determined by their Crucible of birth, as well as a chosen name that they may select for themselves. These naming conventions reflect the complex interplay between individual identity and societal expectations within the Leagues of Votann.
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