The Ork Hierarchy: A Complex Web of Power
Orks are a dominant force in the galaxy, controlling a vast portion of known space. However, their territories are not a unified entity, but rather a collection of thousands of individual empires and factions. These factions are as likely to fight each other as they are to battle other species.
The Strongest Rule
In Ork society, power is held by the strongest individuals. The largest and most capable Orks form the ruling elite, with the exception of the Oddboyz – specialist Orks with unique skills that make them indispensable to their tribe.
The Warboss: Leader of the Pack
At the top of the Ork hierarchy is the Warboss, the leader of an Ork warband or tribe. The Warboss is always the biggest, strongest, and most cunning Ork in the group, and is equipped with the best armor, weapons, and equipment.
The Oddboyz: Specialists with a Purpose
Oddboyz are Orks born with specific information programmed into their DNA. They specialize in skills that most other Orks lack, including:
- Mekboyz: Ork mechanics and inventors
- Painboyz: Ork surgeons and doctors
- Weirdboys: Highly psychic Orks
- Runtherds: Slave-masters and breeders of Gretchin and snotlings
- Brewboyz: Brewers of alcoholic beverages
- Sloppers: Cooks
The Nobz: Ruling Class
Nobz are the ruling class of the Ork race. Larger and more aggressive than other Orks, they act as squad leaders or fight together in their own mobs. Nobz have access to the best equipment, weapons, and armor, and are often found fighting in groups with other similarly equipped Nobz.
The Boyz: Foot Soldiers
Boyz are the most common form of Ork, and are divided into various sub-groups depending on status and equipment. These include:
- Boyz: Standard Orks, usually divided into mobs equipped for ranged or close combat
- ‘Ard Boyz: Heavily-armored Ork Boyz who wear ‘Eavy Armor
- Kommandoz: Elite Orks who work behind enemy lines to create havoc and confusion
- Burna Boyz: Orks with a preference for flame weapons
- Tankbustas: Specialist Orks designed to take out enemy vehicles
- Lootaz: Orks equipped with heavy weapons who specialize in scavenging equipment
Technology: Ramshackle but Potent
Ork technology appears ramshackle and slapped-together, but is as potent as any used by the Imperium. Ork Mekboyz are specialists in producing powerful force fields and improvising repairs on the battlefield.
Interstellar Travel: Warp Engines and Weirdboys
Orks are capable of faster-than-light travel using warp engines similar to those of the Imperial Warp Drive. Some of these engines are rebuilt from salvaged Imperial warp drives, while others are bizarre contraptions built around the disembodied brains of Ork Weirdboys.
The Orks in the Galaxy: Widespread and Erratic
The Orks are the most widespread of the sentient races, inhabiting worlds across the galaxy. Their movements are erratic and their domains lack cohesion, although there are some notable exceptions, including the Ork Empires of Octarius and Charadon.
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