Imperium Secundus: How The Lion Betrayed His Brothers – Part 6

Title: Warhammer 40,000 Lore – Dark Angels, Ultramarines, and Night Lords: A Beacon of Doom – Part One

In the grim darkness of the far future, there exists a tale of sacrifice, treachery, and impending doom that unfolded amidst the stars, involving some of the most revered legions of the Imperium – the Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Night Lords and a small band of auxiliaries. Our story begins with a noble sacrifice – the Dark Angels, a legion known for their unyielding honor, found themselves in the fiery line of the Night Lords’ ship guns, providing cover for the Ultramarines as they deployed their scouts and guides on an Imperial world.

On the barren grounds, remnants of the auxilia, the remnants of humanity’s Auxiliary forces, awaited the 13th legionnaires. Guided by the defenders of this world, they were led to a hidden cave entrance, a secret path leading to the heart of the Ultramarines’ objective – the power installations of a mysterious beacon.

The beacon, a last resort weapon of immense power, was to be demolished if it could not be held. The Loyalists, understanding their landing had not gone unnoticed, knew the Night Lords were already on their trail. The auxiliaries, valiant and determined, decided to hold the cave entrance, buying precious time for the Ultramarines to complete their mission.

An unequal battle ensued, with the auxiliaries engaging the fearsome Night Lords. Despite an initial victory by Sergeant Merck and his men, their resistance was quickly broken, and the surviving auxiliaries were taken captive. Their captors, desperate to find the Ultramarines, subjected the prisoners to cruel tortures. Finally, one of them cracked, revealing the path the Ultramarines had taken.

The Night Lords, having obtained the information they sought, quickly disposed of the remaining prisoners and resumed their pursuit. Meanwhile, the Ultramarines reached their objective and began mining the installation, attempting to gain control of the beacon. But time wasn’t on their side.

Kukesh, a Night Lord ignorant of the Beacon’s operations, had captured and tortured Alexis Polu, a close friend of Dantioch, an Iron Warrior. The severe torment broke Dantioch’s will, forcing him to reveal the beacon’s capabilities. To Lord Kopter’s delight, Dantioch established a connection to Copis’s main square, where the Night Lords had set up a torture chamber.

Kresh, a Night Lord Captain, became so engrossed in his newfound power that he failed to notice his proximity to the first captain of his legion and accidentally touched him, discovering the beacon could also serve as a means of transportation. Ignoring pleas to save the captured Searan, Kresh plotted to use the beacon for his own ambitions.

This tale of sacrifice, treachery, and impending doom is far from over. In the next post, we’ll explore how Dantioch, forced to obey his captor, devises a plan to kill Kresh and destroy the beacon, and what consequences this has for the future of the Milky Way. Stay tuned, for the grim dark future is fraught with tales of heroism, betrayal, and peril.


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