All About the Ork Clans: A Savage Guide to War – Part 5

The Chronicles of Thaka: The Death Skulls, Part One

Welcome back, loyal followers, to our deep dive into the squabbling, looting, and downright raucous universe of Warhammer 40,000. In today’s installment, we’re focusing on the notorious Death Skulls clan and their unruly antics.

Our story kicks off with the tale of Grut Brog, a formidable War Boss who was infamously decapitated, not once but twice, by Thaka. Yet, instead of sparking a blood feud, this brawny display of power won Thaka a loyal follower in Grut Brog. Intriguing, isn’t it?

Now, it’s common knowledge that the Death Skulls and the Blood Axes have a bit of a reputation among their orkish kin. While the Blood Axes’ notoriety is mostly due to hearsay and speculation, the Death Skulls’ ill-repute is well earned.

This clan’s reputation is rooted in their unique ability to loot and pillage. And here’s the kicker: they don’t only target their enemies, but also their fellow orks! With the cunning they display during thefts, many could become proficient Mechs. However, their love for hoarding everything that’s not nailed down and stashing it away takes precedence over any constructive endeavor. War, the raison d’être of most orks, doesn’t captivate them as much as the subsequent looting.

Imagine this: if the Death Skulls brought the same zeal to their battles as they do to their scavenging, they would be an unstoppable force. Their ubiquitous pilfering often attracts large crowds of aggrieved victims to their camps, hoping to reclaim their belongings. But alas, they leave not just empty-handed, but stripped of everything else they had.

The Death Skulls seem to possess a supernatural ability to stun another ork and search him while his body is still airborne. But it’s not just orks who fall victim to their thievery. Imperial commanders can attest to the sting of stolen or restored Lemon Russes, Rhinos, Predators, and Bane Blades.

In prolonged battles, the Death Skulls’ audacity is truly showcased. Think reconfigured Eldar super-heavy grav-tanks, led by an Imperial Titan proudly flaunting their clan’s blue horn skull symbol.

Speaking of blue, all Death Skulls are incredibly superstitious and believe that the color blue brings them luck and divine favor. They paint their clothing, weapons, and machinery blue. Some even daub their bodies with blue war paint before a battle.

Adorning their attire with skulls and bones from animals and humanoid xenos is another favorite pastime of this clan. They also love to decorate their clothing and armor with war trophies taken from fallen soldiers.

But the Death Skulls’ penchant for looting and theft has a downside. Their ranks are rife with Looters, shunned by their fellow orks but embraced by Looters from other clans.

Stay tuned for our next installment as we delve into the infamous exploits of Neot Stub Fingers, an orc who has achieved unparalleled renown with his thieving prowess. From statues of the Emperor to super-heavy Bane Blades, nothing is safe from his grasping fingers. We’ll also examine his peculiar sense of humor and his most prized possession, the Bane Blade tank he named Gork’s Other Foot.


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