Sisters of Silence: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth – Part 2

Title: “Codex Silentium: The Sisters of Silence and the Cataclysm of Pentacon”

Welcome back, denizens of the Imperium, to our multi-part exploration of the enigmatic Sisters of Silence. After delving into their silent vow and intricate sign language, we turn our attention to their role in the tumultuous events of the Unification Wars and the cataclysmic incident on the Hive World of Pentacon.

The Sisters of Silence’s primary form of communication is a graceful ballet of hand and finger movements, conveying thoughts of immense subtlety or complexity. In the heat of battle, these signs transform into broad, sharp gestures, visible even across vast distances. This combat dialect echoes the jargon of the Aartis, hinting at a shared origin.

In cases where gestural communication is impossible, the Sisters switch to Oret – an ancient, machine-readable variant of their sign language, resembling the clattering of gear wheels to the untrained ear. For interacting with the Emperor’s other subjects, they typically communicate through selected noviciate Prolocutor who have not yet taken the vow of tranquility. These Prolocutors translate the Sisters’ thought signs into Imperial Gothic for others to understand.

Adept in technolinguistic devices, the Sisters can translate their signs into Vox messages via Servo Skulls. This proficiency extends to multiple forms of non-verbal communication, like the Adepto Estaes’ combat signs, Void sign language, and the Mechanicus’ Graph Binaris. This ability allows them to converse with other representatives of the Imperium without the need for interpreters or technical aids.

In the early days of the Unification Wars, there were essentially no Sisters of Silence. The Emperor was instead accompanied by a small group of ‘Untouchables,’ led by Jania Contra, future Knight Commander of the Divisio Investigat. The Sisters didn’t become the force they are today until the onset of the Great Crusade, when the first Black Ships left Terra.

These Black Ships carried crews of non-psycher hunters, predecessors to the Sisters of Silence. These early telepathic armed forces, while well-managed and equipped, struggled with heavy losses and increasing instances of madness among their ranks. The need for a more effective solution to capture and control psykers became evident.

While the Council of Terra pondered radical proposals, a cataclysmic event occurred on Pentacon, an impoverished Hive World close to Terra. Pentacon held strategic value as a launching ground for numerous fleets and a recruitment base. After being folded back into the Imperium, the world’s old ruling system of petty kings and confederations was replaced. Pentacon was transformed into a border outpost and then a temporary staging port for the Imperial Army.

Pentacon’s brightest young people responded to the call of the Great Crusade, leaving the planet to slowly decay from within. Corruption proliferated, and dark cults began to multiply in the underhives and deep slums.

The Sisters of Silence, their hand signs and Oret clicks telling tales of battles and cataclysms, remained at the heart of these turbulent times. Their story, intertwined with the fate of the Imperium, continues to unfold.

Stay tuned for the next installment, where we delve into the aftermath of the Pentacon Cataclysm and the role of the Sisters of Silence in the subsequent events. Until then, keep your Servo Skulls charged and your Vox channels open.


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