The Birth of the Space Marine Legions
In the distant past, the Emperor of Mankind created the twenty Space Marine Legions, also known as the Legiones Astartes, to spearhead his Great Crusade across the galaxy. Each Legion was formed from gene-seed derived from a single Primarch, genetically engineered superhuman beings with extraordinary abilities. The Primarchs were scattered across the galaxy, and as they were found, they took command of their respective Legions.
The Great Crusade and Horus Heresy
During the Great Crusade, the Space Marine Legions conquered vast swaths of the galaxy, bringing countless worlds under the Emperor’s rule. However, two Legions were mysteriously erased from all records, and their fate remains unknown. The remaining eighteen Legions continued to fight, but eventually, nine of them turned against the Emperor, joining the Warmaster Horus in his rebellion. The Horus Heresy had begun.
Legion Organization
Each Space Marine Legion was organized into Chapters, Companies, and Squads, with a clear chain of command. At the head of each Legion was its Primarch, supported by senior officers and specialists. The Legions were equipped with advanced armor and technology, making them nearly invincible on the battlefield.
Divergence between Legions
As the Great Crusade progressed, each Legion developed its own distinct character, shaped by its Primarch’s personality and the worlds they recruited from. This divergence led to rivalries and tensions between the Legions, which would eventually contribute to the Horus Heresy.
Number of Legionaries
The size of each Legion varied greatly, with some numbering in the hundreds of thousands. The Ultramarines were the largest, with over 250,000 Legionaries, while others, like the Thousand Sons, were much smaller.
Original Names and Appearances
Initially, each Legion was known only by its number and wore plain grey armor. As they
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